DipTool 2.7.1

This is the home page of the Java program DipTool. DipTool parses the output of the diplomacy judges (results, lists, histories, summaries, and press) and history files of Keith Schneider. It then adds the games, turns, and messages to a tree and displays the maps. DipTool can

You can enter the orders using Drag & Drop or popup menus and send the orders directly to the judges using SMTP. DipTool also has a build in adjudicator so that you can use it during a FTF game.

DipTool Main Window

If you want to know more about Diplomacy, visit Hasbro or The Diplomatic Pouch.

Terms Of Use

DipTool is a Freeware program. You may use it for any purpose. However, you are not allowed to sell it or include it into any disc/CD collection that is to be sold for profit. Otherwise, it may be freely uploaded to and distributed by any Bulletin Board or Internet Site, providing no fee is required upon its download.

It is provided "as is", without any guarantee made as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use. It may contain bugs, so use of this tool is at your own risk. The author takes no responsibility for any damage whatsoever that may be caused through its use.


You need a Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or newer to run DipTool.

There are two installation alternatives:

Quick Start

  1. Creating a group: Click the right mouse button over "DipTool" in the tree and select "New Group...". Enter "Some Games" as name and click OK. The group "Some Games" is added to the tree.
  2. Adding a result/history: Click the right mouse button over "Some Games" in the tree and select "Scan a Directory or File Once...". Select a result or history file (e.g. vgnp1085 (USTX)) and click Scan.
  3. Displaying a map: Expand the tree and select a turn to display the map for the turn. Below the map the orders are displayed.
  4. Read the documentation.



Entering Orders
The Menu Bar
The Preferences
The Tool Bar
The Tree
Press Messages
E-Mail Accounts


At the moment the following variants are supported: 1897, 1898, Asia, Britain, Chaos, Colonial, Colonial96, Crowded, Crowded_1898, Fleet_Rome, H31, H32, MinorPower, SailHo, SailHo2, SailHo_Crowded, Shift_Around, Shift_Left, Shift_Right, and Standard.


DipTool was written to parse the output of the traditional English judges (like DEDO, FROG, NZMB, SEPO, USEF, USIN, USGG, USOS, USTR, USTX, USVG). The language-specific judges (like DEAC) are only supported as far as their output is completely English. The non-traditional judges (like UKDP and USDP) are only partly supported (parsing of histories and summaries).


I did the Diplomacy Adjudicator Test Cases (2004-February-10) with DipTool. The file datc.dtf contains the test cases. The protocol contains a description of the rule interpretation and the results of the test cases. Therefore DipTool is '2000 rulebook/DATC compliant' with the deviations mentioned in the protocol (especially 4.A.3., 4.A.5., 4.E.1, and 4.E.5.). I also readjudicated more than 500 Standard games played on the judges and compared the results. So the adjudicator is very accurate.

Games Collection

The file vgnp.dtf contains all games of

The file vgfp2000.dtf contains all games of the 2000 Vermont Group Full-Press Tournament including all the press of the final game titleist and the Yahoo group vgfp_titleist (as messages from Observer to Observer). The information in this file is also available as web site (created using the web add-in).

The file comments.dtf contains full-press games with all the press and no-press games were the players wrote a comment each turn. The information in this file is also available as web site (created using the web add-in).

Special thanks to Keith Schneider and Rastislav Senderak for several histories, to Douglas T. Massey for the press of the game titleist, and to Gregory A. Greenman for the press of the game comments.

Java Classes

Perhaps you can use some of the Java classes of DipTool as framework. Here is the JavaDoc documentation.


Version 2.7.1

Version 2.7.0

Version 2.6.3

Version 2.6.2

Version 2.6.1

Version 2.6

Version 2.5.1

Version 2.5

Version 2.0

Version 1.0.2

Version 1.0.1

Version 1.0

Version 0.9 Beta

